Meet The Baker

Heeeeyyy!!!! I am so excited you stopped by today. My name is Elizabeth originally from California, and now living in Atlanta Georgia.

I started my cupcake business in January 2021 but I've been making cupcakes for almost 10 years now. Baking was something I truly enjoyed doing as a hobby but before even having the courage to start a business, I was completely invested into a different career.

My educational background is in animal science and veterinary medicine with a masters in public health. When I was faced with the reality of moving on in my career I had to decided to either stay in a field that no longer served me or take control over my life and step out on faith into the world of entrepreneurship. 

Today, I am a full time entrepreneur who has embraced the unknown by walking with God in this journey. I am still learning everyday and have many ups and downs, but honestly I wouldn't want it any other way. My cupcake business is my creative expression of who I am, my drive, my resilience, and my love for people. By starting my own business and becoming my own boss, I've gained a sense of purpose and a true desire to show people, that if I can do this, so can you!